Recap of MultiVAC and NeuroMesh’s AMA Session at Token2049

9 min readApr 25, 2024


We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the entire community for your unwavering support and insightful questions during our recent offline AMA session with NeuroMesh team at Token2049 in Dubai. Your engagement has allowed us to delve deeper into the topics that matter most to you. Below is a recap of the discussions and highlights from this enlightening AMA session.

Cici: Welcome, everyone! I’m thrilled to be here today to dive into the questions the community cares about, and share insights into our exciting journey. Kicking things off, we have a great question from @Chris from MultiWorms: “I’d love to hear about how this partnership came about. Could you go into some details about how this relationship started? How did MultiVAC and NeuroMesh find each other?”


Thank you, Cici, and thanks to Chris for this question — it’s a fantastic one to start with! Our partnership with NeuroMesh didn’t happen overnight; it was the result of shared visions and complementary technologies.

MultiVAC is a high-performance, flexible public blockchain based on trusted sharding computing. Despite our confidence in our technology, like many public blockchain projects, we’ve faced challenges integrating it into real-world applications. The barrier between the worlds of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 is still significant.

Over the past few years, not only have we been enhancing MultiVAC’s technology and security, but we have also been exploring ways to bridge the gap between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 to bring MultiVAC into broader applications and realize its full potential as a “supercomputer.”

During this period of exploration, Shawn and his research team achieved significant advancements, culminating in the development of NeuroMesh. As we are currently unveiling this major breakthrough with NeuroMesh, we look forward to sharing further advancements in the application scenarios for MultiVAC as they mature.

The inception of NeuroMesh was facilitated by an introduction of Shawn to Diego, an AI expert from an Oxford AI lab, by a former MultiVAC employee. Their collaboration and the subsequent discussions and validations between Diego’s team and ours led to the innovative design of NeuroMesh. This project has even surprised us with its potential to leverage distributed GPU resources, marking a paradigm shift in AI model training.


Diego was introduced to me by a former colleague from MultiVAC. Exploring AI applications in the Web3 domain with him led to unexpected advancements in our AI capabilities. After thorough discussions and validations between Diego’s lab team and our researchers, we conceptualized the design for NeuroMesh, which was surprisingly innovative. The latest research from the Oxford lab, combined with the ample distributed GPU resources that the Web3 world offers, has the potential to be a game-changer.

The future of distributed AI starts here. This discovery has excited and motivated all of us, feeling a profound sense of mission. The vast scope of this project meant that NeuroMesh had to evolve from a MultiVAC initiative into a standalone project to secure the significant funding needed to develop the largest AI model humanity has envisioned. Therefore, we can proudly state that NeuroMesh was initially spurred by MultiVAC’s efforts in commercial applications but, given its monumental scale, it transcends its origins. The most advanced and largest AI models will now be accessible to the global community.


Meeting Shawn and engaging with the MultiVAC team was a pivotal moment. Our lab had been making significant progress on PCN technology, but discussing with Shawn opened up new avenues to apply these innovations within Web3, leading to the inception of NeuroMesh. The project grew so significant that it necessitated becoming its own entity to achieve the ambitious goal of developing humanity’s largest AI model, supported by a robust funding structure.

This collaboration not only signifies the blending of groundbreaking technologies but also embodies a mission-driven approach to democratize AI technology, making it accessible on a global scale. NeuroMesh started as a part of MultiVAC but has grown beyond it to become a vision shared by the world.

Cici: Thank you, Cathy, Shawn, and Diego, for such insightful responses. It’s clear that this partnership is built on a foundation of mutual respect, shared goals, and innovative synergies. Let’s move on to the next question from @CuriousCryptoInvestor: How will the MESH token function in the MTV ecosystem, and how much of the Neuromesh LLM be on-chain?


NeuroMesh will not establish its own blockchain in the future. The mission of NeuroMesh will be to become the operating system for distributed AI model training and to train the largest AI model in the world. For the technical aspects of NeuroMesh, please refer to our whitepaper at, and if anyone is interested, you are welcome to join our Discord group where we have a technical Q&A section.

The NeuroMesh project has a deep cooperative relationship with the MultiVAC project. I believe this collaboration will be demonstrated through specific partnerships in the near future. As NeuroMesh is still a startup, I am currently unable to list all the ways of cooperation one by one. What I can foresee includes, but is not limited to: 1. Issuing some tokens through the MultiVAC blockchain. 2. MultiVAC supporting various transactions, staking, etc., of Mesh Tokens. 3. Dual benefits from staking both MTV tokens and Mesh tokens.


Also commercial activities on NeuroMesh can leverage MTV as the medium for transaction settlements, benefiting from the best discounts available. This approach significantly enhances the utility and adoption of MTV.

In terms of on-chain processes, the training and deployment of large models are not conducted on-chain. However, the circulation of economic value will take place on-chain

Also the commercial activities on NeuroMesh can use MTV for transactions.

The future business model of NeuroMesh will be a combination of B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer). It is still too early to discuss pricing issues. However, compared to traditional Web2 large models like ChatGPT, NeuroMesh will definitely offer a more cost-effective large model. Thank you for your recognition of NeuroMesh, and please continue to stay tuned.

Cici: Thanks both for sharing. Moving on, we have another interesting query from the community regarding the airdrop, which comes from Jayesar: “What are the metrics for airdrops for MTV Stakers and Long Term Stakers? And approximately when will the airdrop occur?”


Regarding the specific details of the airdrop for MTV stakers and long-term stakers, I will be involved in the design along with the CMO responsible for this matter at NeuroMesh. The specific criteria have not yet been determined. I believe everyone can understand that NeuroMesh is very young, and all plans need to be deployed and implemented step by step. Everything is progressing in an orderly manner, and the first airdrop will arrive in the next two months. The waiting list for the airdrop will open earlier, most likely within a month. I can also guarantee the priority access for MTV users to the waiting list, looking forward to everyone’s active participation.

Cici: Thank you, Cathy, for shedding light on that. It sounds like there’s a lot to look forward to for both new and long-term supporters of the project. Let’s proceed to the next topic, from @ronklootwijk: Could you describe which options there will be for the community to run nodes for both projects?


I understand that there is considerable interest in the status of nodes — a topic frequently raised within the MTV community. First, let’s address an important question: What are the benefits of operating an MTV node? In our original framework, running your own node, as opposed to staking directly on the official website, did not offer any additional returns. Consequently, it has been challenging to motivate users to operate their own nodes.

Since launching NeuroMesh, I have been exploring the possibility of both elements coexisting; specifically, the dual mining of MTV and Mesh on the same computer. Technically, this is entirely feasible because MTV mainly utilizes CPU resources, while NeuroMesh primarily depends on GPU resources, ensuring no conflict in resource utilization. We are actively developing this technology. I am delighted to announce some encouraging news: we anticipate releasing this functionality in the second half of the year.

Cici: Our next question from @ronklootwijk addresses a current challenge:Currently it’s very hard to buy MTV due to a lot of regulatory limitations, and lack of liquidity. Will there be other options for buying MTV in near future?


I’m glad this issue was raised, as it’s a critical one for many of our supporters. We are fully aware of the difficulties our community faces due to regulatory constraints and limited liquidity, and addressing this is a priority for us.

During this trip to Dubai, I met with some old friends and new ones. We are indeed in discussions with some exchanges about potential partnerships, and there have been some positive developments. We will keep everyone updated as soon as there is confirmed news.

Cici: Thank you, Cathy, for addressing such an important concern. Ensuring the accessibility of MTV is indeed crucial for the growth of our community and ecosystem. Here’s another question from @Frankdegods that touches on an important aspect of transparency and trust: Why were the team members Twitter accounts recently created along with the website? This throws up a red flag to a lot of people. Can we please get the team members LinkedIn especially if CTO went to Oxford he should have a digital footprint and minor track record to say the least.


You can connect with me via my LinkedIn profile ( or follow me on Twitter: I recently created this Twitter account as NeuroMesh represents a new chapter for me, and I wanted to utilize this platform to enhance our interactions. This account is specifically for sharing updates on NeuroMesh and my latest insights. I welcome you to engage with me there frequently.

I fully appreciate that some may approach this project with caution. As a central figure in NeuroMesh and its CTO, I welcome scrutiny and am open to discussions from all perspectives.

Here is a video of my recent speech at the Blockchain Life Startup Pitch, where I was proud to be declared the winner:

[BlockChain Life NeuroMesh Pitch]

Through such content, I hope to provide everyone with a deeper understanding of both NeuroMesh and myself. Gaining your trust and understanding is crucial for us as we collaborate to develop the world’s largest AI model more swiftly.

Cici: Thank you, Diego, for addressing these concerns and clarifying the reasons behind your recent social media strategy. Transparency is key, and providing access to your professional backgrounds helps build trust within the community. Let’s move on to more questions from @Gaia262: Will Dr Shawn have time to work/run on both companies?


While everyone recognizes Shawn for his technical expertise, I believe his truly indispensable attribute is his strategic thinking capability. Shawn will continue to provide strategic guidance for MultiVAC. I am profoundly thankful for his ongoing strategic insights and technical investigations, which inject continual vitality into MultiVAC.


I am constantly driven by a sense of mission that propels me forward without pause. Both MultiVAC and NeuroMesh are my missions. As Co-CEO of NeuroMesh, my primary role centers on strategic planning and leveraging the synergies between NeuroMesh and MTV to cultivate an expansive ecosystem. The day-to-day management and operational execution will be overseen by our other Co-CEO, who brings a decade of executive experience in large corporations, specializing in corporate governance, product delivery, and business development.

Cici: Thank you, Shawn, Cathy and Diego, and thank you to everyone who joined us today and contributed with their thoughtful questions. It’s clear from today’s discussion that there’s a great deal of excitement and a few important queries around the future of MultiVAC and NeuroMesh. We appreciate your engagement and the opportunity to address your concerns directly.

As we move forward, we remain committed to transparency, innovation, and the success of our projects. We encourage you to stay connected, follow our updates, and continue to share your insights and questions. Your involvement is crucial to our progress and success.

Once again, thank you all for participating in today’s AMA. We look forward to our next meeting and to continuing our journey together.


MultiVAC is a high-throughput flexible blockchain platform based on all-dimensional sharding. It’s a next-generation public blockchain platform built for integration with large-scale decentralized applications.

MultiVAC is developing the first solution in the world characterized by speediness, efficiency, and all-dimensional sharding to expand its capacity in computation, transmission, and storage. It realizes the maximum throughput while maintaining decentralization and without sacrificing security.

About us: Website | Mainnet

Technical Whitepaper | Technical Yellowpaper | Technical Purplepaper

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All-dimensional Sharding Flexible Blockchain, known as multi-core Ethereum with parallel processing.