MultiVAC’s September 2023 Monthly Project Report

3 min readSep 30, 2023


Welcome back to MultiVAC’s Monthly Project Report. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us at


In September, the MultiVAC Foundation focused on strategic growth. We engaged at the Token2049 conference, setting the stage for partnerships. We started preparing for our mainnet coin listing on a prominent centralized exchange, which will come contemporarily with an AMA and promotional activities. Our tech advancements continue, and community support remains strong as we gear up for our ecosystem expansion.

1. Participation in the Token2049 Conference in Singapore:

Well-known faces of our core team took the opportunity to attend the Token2049 conference in Singapore this month. This event is widely considered as one of the most qualitative blockchain conferences. The attendance of key members of the MultiVAC Foundation provided valuable networking and partnership opportunities in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. We engaged with industry leaders, investors, and enthusiasts, promoting MultiVAC’s vision and the extraordinary capabilities of our unique technology.

2. Listing of Mainnet MTV on a highly-trusted CEX:

We are excited to inform our community of investors that a highly-trusted centralized exchange ( has agreed to list MTV mainnet coin.

We are now actively working on the preparations for the listing later next month, as it involves the integration with our mainnet, and so requires additional time for testing and coordination.

As it is a fantastic opportunity to remind the broader blockchain community about MultiVAC, the listing will be accompanied by an AMA session, as well as a substantial promotional campaign.

3. Ongoing Technical Developments:

While the main focus this month was on fostering new partnerships with Token2049 participants and on preparing the upcoming mainnet listing, our dev team continued to work on improving the MultiVAC network’s performance, scalability, and security. These technical advancements are crucial for the long-term success and adoption of our platform.

4. Upcoming Plans:

Looking ahead, we have exciting plans for the coming months. Our main priorities remain the successful broad deployment of our mainnet and the expansion of our ecosystem through partnerships, integrations, and developer collaborations.


Despite the appearance of a relatively quiet month, the MultiVAC Foundation has been quite busy and it has dedicated itself to its mission of creating a scalable and efficient blockchain platform. We thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing more significant updates with you in the near future.


MultiVAC is a high-throughput flexible blockchain platform based on all-dimensional sharding. It’s a next-generation public blockchain platform built for integration with large-scale decentralized applications.

MultiVAC is developing the first solution in the world characterized by speediness, efficiency, and all-dimensional sharding to expand its capacity in computation, transmission, and storage. It realizes the maximum throughput while maintaining decentralization and without sacrificing security.

About us: Website | Mainnet

Technical Whitepaper | Technical Yellowpaper | Technical Purplepaper

Listed Exchange:,,, StealthEX, SimpleSwap

Swap on DEX: Binance DEX, PancakeSwap, DODO DEX, BurgerSwap

Contact us: Email | Twitter | Telegram Group | Telegram Channel | Reddit | Discord | Facebook | Instagram




All-dimensional Sharding Flexible Blockchain, known as multi-core Ethereum with parallel processing.