MultiVAC’s June 2022 Monthly Project Report

3 min readJun 30, 2022


Welcome back to MultiVAC’s Monthly Project Report. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us at

1. MTV has been listed on StealthEX

You can now trade MTV on

2. MultiVAC Foundation attended the AMA held by StealthEX (in collaboration with Proxima)

Cathy, our VP of Community and Ecosystem attended the live AMA held by StealthEX.

During the AMA, @woundedgoat from the Proxima team gave some great insights into the upcoming Proxima Play-to-earn (P2E) game.

3. MultiVAC mainnet mining reward officially entered its next halving period

As pre-programmed in the contract, the mainnet mining reward has been halved when the blockchain reached the milestone of 10 million blocks height.

We are proud to see that the halving has not had a significant impact on total locked value. We are convinced that the halving will be beneficial to the organic growth of MultiVAC. As recent events have shown, unsustainable reward programs can lead to the destabilization of entire ecosystems.

4. Mainnet upgrade

On June 27, the dev team upgraded MultiVAC mainnet. The task lasted for nearly 6 hours.

The scope of the work was to upgrade the security of our mainnet, and to fix some bugs that have been identified previously.

As you can realize, the dev team is more focused than ever on perfecting the MultiVAC blockchain. However, perfection takes time, and so we thank our community for its patience in the meantime.

And our mainnet has run in a very smooth and stable way over the last year!

5. MultiVAC communication channels are always open

Should you have any technical questions, please don’t hesitate to raise those in our TG main group by tagging Cathy (@Cathy_MultiVAC). We will answer technical queries once a week.

And as always, should you encounter some trouble with the MultiVAC blockchain (scamming or else), please send us a message to — we will be delighted to help.


MultiVAC is a high-throughput flexible blockchain platform based on all-dimensional sharding. It’s a next-generation public blockchain platform built for integration with large-scale decentralized applications.

MultiVAC is developing the first solution in the world characterized by speediness, efficiency, and all-dimensional sharding to expand its capacity in computation, transmission, and storage. It realizes the maximum throughput while maintaining decentralization and without sacrificing security.

About us: Website | Mainnet

Technical Whitepaper | Technical Yellowpaper | Technical Purplepaper

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Swap on DEX: Binance DEX, PancakeSwap, DODO DEX, BurgerSwap

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All-dimensional Sharding Flexible Blockchain, known as multi-core Ethereum with parallel processing.